Sustainable high performance...
is only possible in environments & relationships based on safety & belonging.
Today, as we go through this global challenge, more than ever, your employees need to feel safe, supported & cared for by you, their employers. Nurture the heart of your company -your workforce- and establish the foundation for a company that is resilient and grows through change.
In co-creation with Proteas & Peacocks, a corporate wellbeing experiences provider, we have established a program to help your employees flourish.

From surviving to thriving
Change is inevitable. Change is and always has been the only constant in the world and today... we're confronted with it head on. The problem is: humans generally don't react well to change.
A company aiming to thrive, will need to address the emotional challenges that its employees are facing.
Google's research shows that psychological safety is at the core of effective teams. Can you and your team members be vulnerable in front of each others? Can you all express your emotions, freely?
We are here to show you that, with the right mindset & the right mind-body techniques, employees can proactively decrease their stress, discover a new emotional balance and increase their sense of belonging - even more so in times of crisis!

In order to GROW through setbacks & change, we propose to invest in psychological safety,
and we use a cutting-edge transformation technique called Breathwork.

What is Breathwork?
Practiced in indigenous cultures worldwide, originating in India, the breathwork we teach is not what you may have done in a yoga class…
We use an active, controlled form of breathing that brings you into an altered state of consciousness, to levels it has never been (without psychotropics like LSD, etc). From this state, one’s inner healer becomes activated and you start releasing stress, anxiety or depression from the body & find a new sense of confidence.

Leadership Development
Breathwork allows people to be more vulnerable with themselves and others by exploring deeply repressed emotions.
- Sense of belonging - Increasing the space for empathie, nurturing psychological safety and work more cohesively as a team.
- Innovation boost - With a decrease in stress and more emotional safety, your employees have more energy for creativity and growth.

Science shows that breathwork lowers blood pressure, improves focus and concentration, strengthens your immune system.
- Increased energy - with this tool employees can become more resilient, having better work days and less sick days
- Emotional balance - Breathwork helps release negative emotions, giving space for more happiness and productivity in the workplace.
Here are some tributes from past clients in the context of breathwork sessions offered both in our Digital Studio.

Ashley Luper
"{...} I thought I knew something about Breathwork since I’ve practiced meditation and other modalities, but this was a whole new experience. Isabelle explained the science behind it and answered all questions prior to beginning, which made me feel safe and open to whatever came up for me during the session. {...} My energy really shifted during the session and emotions that I was holding onto in my physical body shifted.{...}"

Sien Vanmaele
“I didn’t expect this experience to be so freeing, so intense, so transformational. I got in touch with layers of emotions I had no idea were in me, and all throughout my crying I felt the most exhilarating feeling of self-love arise. At the end I received a deep and simple message: start being kinder to yourself. It sounds so banal, but for the first time I FELT it instead of ‘knowing’ it.”

Pamela Gutrath
"Isabelle is a thoughtful teacher who understands the power of breath, the resistance we all feel, and the mind altering benefits we can create by engaging so deeply with ourselves.{...} Who knew I could start a session as one person and end up feeling like a totally different person, {...} it is like having a cup of mushroom tea, but instead of feeling HIGH one feels WHOLE.”
Isabelle & Alexis are offering a unique mix of Coaching. Isabelle, as a Msc. Psychologist & transformational coach is an expert in unblocking you through intimate shadow work. Alexis, as a business coach catalyses your creative confidence and helps you create & implement a truly aligned business strategy.
With their positive mindset , enthusiasm and their warm personality, they know how to touch people. A couple who has learned by trial and error how to combine a successful business with spiritual growth in a peaceful way.

Contact us and Breathe...
We offer coaching + breathwork with our creative twist to executives, entrepreneurs and others in leadership positions to attain greater clarity, heightened intuition, decrease stress and overwhelm while increasing compassion and understanding.
A 45 minute – 2 hour guided breathwork experience can support you or become part of a regular employee wellness offering, a day event or retreat.
Ready to get clear? Get in touch.
Fill our contact form to talk with us for options, availability and rates.
Coaching Testimonials
Here is a tribute from past client in the context of burnout recovery coaching.

Domina McQuade - Senior Recruiting Manager Microsoft
✎ " I've been struggling with burnout for as long as I can remember (although I didn't know the term burnout until about 2 years ago). I connected with Isabelle during a very pivotal moment in my life/career. I was just nominated interim manager, was a brand new people manager as Coronavirus started spreading in the U.S. and my daughter was home from montessori school.
I did Isabelle's 3 month program during this chaotic time. Normally under these circumstances, I would 100% burnout trying to "prove myself" as a new manager. Isabelle helped me pinpoint the root cause of why I cycle through burnout (for me it was an underlying feeling of not being good enough), and address it.
It sort've connected all the dots for me and gave me the tools to maintain a good w/l balance. The results were incredible. Even though I'm working less hours, I'm more effective because I'm rested, more efficient and more strategic. I'm also not pushing myself to exhaustion at work, so I have more energy for my daughter and husband in the evenings.
I was able to really thrive during a difficult time and actually got promoted into a permanent manager role! I still have moments where I fall into old patterns, but I catch it way sooner and have the tools to calm myself down when I'm feeling stressed/anxious. Thank you so much for everything Isabelle!! "